Montgolfière noun [feminine] (English: Hot Air Balloon)

About Mont Design

📍 Michigan | Bali

When we travel, we are looking to immerse ourselves in a world different from our own. An impactful vacation is one that stays with you far beyond the booking— one that you can’t wait to book again next year, next week, or even tomorrow for a few extra days. These are the environments that we create for your guests.

As designers, we have a responsibility to make conscious decisions while crafting interior environments and architectural design. We select products and materials that not only create a luxury guest experience, but also supports ethical and sustainable production. We do this by prioritizing sustainable certifications, as well as small makers who may not hold certifications, but share our values. With us, you're not just creating luxury environments; you're contributing to a more responsible and sustainable future for both your investments and the planet.

Our work is an extension of our values.

  • We want to encourage a future of skilled craftsmanship by partnering with vendors who take great pride in their craft, innovation, and quality production.

  • We challenge industry norms by sourcing products and materials from a variety of vendors with values asd certifcations in sustainable and ethical production.

  • We look for opportunities to support independent artists and minority-owned businesses whenever possible.

  • Through our partnership with Rescue2000, we contribute to their mission to provide homes and essential support to families and communities in Bali, Indonesia.

About Lauren

Owner, Principal Designer (she/her)

I'm a Michigan native, a traveler, and a designer who is passionate about creating a better world. With a degree in Interior Design, I've focused on both domestic and international design projects. My love for travel has taken me across Europe, Southeast Asia, and Australia, reinforcing my understanding of global art and cultures. In my work, I strive to infuse the same spirit of curiosity and storytelling from my travels into my design approach. Through Mont Design, I am able to unite my love for design, the planet, and people.